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- A. Rudenko, Y. Zhu, T. Rodrigues de Almeida, T. Schreiter, L. Castri, N. Bellotto, T. Linder, N. Vaskevicius, L. Palmieri, M. Magnusson and A. J. Lilienthal (2025) “Hierarchical System to Predict Human Motion and Intentions for Efficient and Safe Human-Robot Interaction in Industrial Environments”, German Robotics Conference (GRC).
- M. Carnelos, F. Pasti and N. Bellotto (2025) “MicroFlow: An Efficient Rust-Based Inference Engine for TinyML“, Internet of Things, Vol. 30.
- E. Stracca, A. Rudenko, L. Palmieri, P. Salaris, L. Castri, N. Mazzi, V. Rakcevic, N. Vaskevicius, T. Linder, N. Bellotto, T. Schreiter, Y. Zhu, M. Castellano-Quero, O. Napolitano, E. Stefanini, L. Heuer, M. Magnusson, A. Swikir and A. J. Lilienthal (2025) “DARKO-Nav: Hierarchical Risk- and Context-aware Robot Navigation in Complex Intralogistic Environments”, European Robotics Forum (ERF).
- L. Castri, S. Mghames, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2024) “CAnDOIT: Causal Discovery with Observational and Interventional Data from Time-Series“, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Vol. 6, No. 12.
- F. Pasti, M. Ceccon, D. Dalle Pezze, F. Paissan, E. Farella, G. A. Susto and N. Bellotto (2024) “Latent Distillation for Continual Object Detection at the Edge“, Workshop on Computational Aspects of Deep Learning (CADL), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
- L. Castri, G. Beraldo, S. Mghames, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2024) “Experimental Evaluation of ROS-Causal in Real-World Human-Robot Spatial Interaction Scenarios“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).
- S. Mghames, L. Castri, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2024) “neuROSym: Deployment and Evaluation of a ROS-based Neuro-Symbolic Model for Human Motion Prediction“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM). Finalist for Best Paper Award
- W. Li, D. Fusaro, E. Olivastri, S. Mosco, N. Bellotto and A. Pretto (2024) “P-SVM2: Enhancing LiDAR-based Traversability Analysis with Augmented Point Cloud Descriptor for Autonomous Mobile Systems“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM).
- L. Castri, G. Beraldo, S. Mghames, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2024) “ROS-Causal: A ROS-based Causal Analysis Framework for Human-Robot Interaction Applications“, Workshop on Causal Learning for Human-Robot Interaction (Causal-HRI), ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).
- L. Castri, S. Mghames and N. Bellotto (2023) “Efficient Causal Discovery for Robotics Applications“, Proceedings of the Italian Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines (I-RIM 3D).
- M. Fernandez-Carmona, S. Mghames and N. Bellotto (2023) “Wavelet-based Temporal Models of Human Activity for Anomaly Detection in Smart Robot-Assisted Environments“, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 181-200.
- T. P. Kucner, M. Magnusson, S. Mghames, L. Palmieri, F. Verdoja, C. S. Swaminathan, T. Krajník, E. Schaffernicht, N. Bellotto, M. Hanheide and A. J Lilienthal (2023) “Survey of maps of dynamics for mobile robots“, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 977-1006.
- B. Hurst, N. Bellotto and P. Bosilj (2023) “An assessment of self-supervised learning for data efficient potato instance segmentation“, Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS), pp. 267-278.
- S. Mghames, L. Castri, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2023) “Qualitative Prediction of Multi-Agent Spatial Interactions“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp. 1170-1175.
- S. Mghames, L. Castri, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2023) “A Neuro-Symbolic Approach for Enhanced Human Motion Prediction“, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
- L. Castri, S. Mghames, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2023) “Enhancing Causal Discovery from Robot Sensor Data in Dynamic Scenarios“, Proceedings of the Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning (CLeaR).
- F. Pasti and N. Bellotto (2023) “Evaluation of Computer Vision-Based Person Detection on Low-Cost Embedded Systems“, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP). Best Industrial Paper Award
- Z. Yan, L. Sun, T. Krajnik, T. Duckett and N. Bellotto (2023) “Towards Long-term Autonomy: A Perspective from Robot Learning“, AAAI Bridge Program “AI and Robotics”.
- L. Castri, S. Mghames and N. Bellotto (2023) “From Continual Learning to Causal Discovery in Robotics“, Proceedings of The First AAAI Bridge Program on Continual Causality, PMLR, Vol. 208, pp. 85-91.
- J. Zhao, H. Wang, N. Bellotto, C. Hu, J. Peng and S. Yue (2023) “Enhancing LGMD’s Looming Selectivity for UAV with Spatial-temporal Distributed Presynaptic Connections“, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 2539-2553.
- L. Castri, S. Mghames, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2022) “Causal Discovery of Dynamic Models for Predicting Human Spatial Interactions“, Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR).
- S. Ghidoni, M. Terreran, D. Evangelista, E. Menegatti, C. Eitzinger, E. Villagrossi, N. Pedrocchi, N. Castaman, M. Malecha, S. Mghames, L. Castri, M. Hanheide and N. Bellotto (2022) “From Human Perception and Action Recognition to Causal Understanding of Human-Robot Interaction in Industrial Environments“, Convegno Nazionale CINI sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (Ital-IA).
- H. Isakhani, N. Bellotto, Q. Fu and S. Yue (2021) “Generative design and fabrication of a locust-inspired gliding wing prototype for micro aerial robots“, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 1191-1203.
- A. Mohtasib, A. Ghalamzan, N. Bellotto and H. Cuayahuitl (2021) “Neural Task Success Classifiers for Robotic Manipulation from Few Real Demonstrations“, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
- F. Camara, N. Bellotto, S. Cosar, F. Weber, D. Nathanael, M. Althoff, J. Wu, J. Ruenz, A. Dietrich, G. Markkula, A. Schieben, F. Tango, N. Merat and C. Fox (2021) “Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High Level Models of Human Behaviour“, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 5453-5472.
- F. Camara, N. Bellotto, S. Cosar, D. Nathanael, M. Althoff, J. Wu, J. Ruenz, A. Dietrich and C. Fox (2021) “Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: LowLevel Models, from Sensing to Tracking“, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 6131-6151.
- M. Terreran, A. G. Tramontano, J. C. Lock, S. Ghidoni and N. Bellotto (2020) “Real-time Object Detection using Deep Learning for helping People with Visual Impairments“, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Applications and Systems (IPAS), pp. 89-95. Best Paper Award
- J. C. Lock, I. Gilchrist, G. Cielniak and N. Bellotto (2020) “Experimental Analysis of a Spatialised Audio Interface for People with Visual Impairments“, ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, Vol. 13, No. 4.
- Z. Yan, S. Schreiberhuber, G. Halmetschlager, T. Duckett, M. Vincze and N. Bellotto (2020) “Robot Perception of Static and Dynamic Objects with an Autonomous Floor Scrubber“, Intelligent Service Robotics, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 403-417. 2021 Best Paper Award
- F. Camara, S. Cosar, N. Bellotto, N. Merat and C. Fox (2020) “Continuous Game Theory Pedestrian Modelling Method for Autonomous Vehicles“, in C. Olaverri-Monreal and F. Garcia and R. Rossetti, Eds., Book on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles, River Publishers.
- S. Cosar, F. Fernandez-Carmona, R. Agrigoroaie, J. Pages, F. Ferland, F. Zhao, S. Yue, N. Bellotto and A. Tapus (2020) “ENRICHME: Perception and Interaction of an Assistive Robot for the Elderly at Home“, International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 12, pp. 779-805.
- S. Cosar and N. Bellotto (2020) “Human Re-Identification with a Robot Thermal Camera using Entropy-based Sampling“, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Vol. 98, pp. 85-102.
- Z. Yan, T. Duckett and N. Bellotto (2020) “Online Learning for 3D LiDAR-based Human Detection: Experimental Analysis of Point Cloud Clustering and Classification Methods“, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 44, pp. 147-164.
- C. Coppola, S. Cosar, D. Faria and N. Bellotto (2020) “Social Activity Recognition on Continuous RGB-D Video Sequences“, International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 12, pp. 201-215.
- D. Liu, N. Bellotto and S. Yue (2020) “Deep Spiking Neural Network for Video-based Disguise Face Recognition Based on Dynamic Facial Movements“, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 1843-1855.
- J. Lock, I. Gilchrist, G. Cielniak and N. Bellotto (2019) “Bone-Conduction Audio Interface to Guide People with Visual Impairments“, International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology (AEIT), Smart City and Informatization, Springer, pp. 542-553.
- J. C. Lock, A. G. Tramontano, S. Ghidoni and N. Bellotto (2019) “ActiVis: Mobile Object Detection and Active Guidance for People with Visual Impairments“, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), pp. 649-660.
- A. Gabriel, S. Cosar, N. Bellotto and P. Baxter (2019) “A Dataset for Action Recognition in the Wild“, Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS), pp. 362-374.
- Q. Fu, N. Bellotto, H. Wang, F. C. Rind, H, Wang and S. Yue (2019) “A Visual Neural Network for Robust Collision Perception in Vehicle Driving Scenarios“, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI), pp. 67-79.
- A. Gabriel, N. Bellotto and P. Baxter (2019) “Towards a Dataset of Activities for Action Recognition in Open Fields“, UK-RAS Conference on Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), pp. 64-67.
- J. C. Lock, G. Cielniak and N. Bellotto (2019) “Active Object Search with a Mobile Device for People with Visual Impairments“, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), pp. 476-485.
- Q. Fu, N. Bellotto, C. Hu and S. Yue (2018) “Performance of a Visual Fixation Model in an Autonomous Micro Robot Inspired by Drosophila Physiology“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp. 1802-1808.
- F. Zhao, S. Cosar, N. Bellotto and S. Yue (2018) “ROI Detection and Tracking for Physiological Monitoring Based on Calibration between RGB-D and Thermal Cameras“, Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM). Best Paper Award
- F. Camara, S. Cosar, N. Bellotto, N. Merat and C. W. Fox (2018) “Towards pedestrian-AV interaction: method for elucidating pedestrian preferences“, Workshop on Towards Intelligent Social Robots: From Naive Robots to Robot Sapiens, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
- Z. Yan, L. Sun, T. Duckett and N. Bellotto (2018) “Multisensor Online Transfer Learning for 3D LiDAR-based Human Detection with a Mobile Robot“, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 864-871.
- A. J. Schofield, I. D. Gilchrist, M. Bloj, A. Leonardis and N. Bellotto (2018) “Understanding images in biological and computer vision“, Interface Focus, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 1-3.
- S. Cosar, Z. Yan, F. Zhao, T. Lambrou, S. Yue and N. Bellotto (2018) “Thermal Camera Based Physiological Monitoring with an Assistive Robot“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), pp. 5010-5013.
- N. Bellotto, S. Cosar and Z. Yan (2018) “Human Detection and Tracking“, in M. H. Ang, O. Khatib and B. Siciliano, Eds., Encyclopedia of Robotics, Springer.
- M. Heshmat, M. Fernandez-Carmona, Z. Yan and N. Bellotto (2017) “Active Human Detection with a Mobile Robot“, UK-RAS Conference on Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS).
- M. Fernandez-Carmona, S. Cosar, C. Coppola and N. Bellotto (2017) “Entropy-based Abnormal Activity Detection Fusing RGB-D and Domotic Sensors“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), pp. 42-48.
- Z. Yan, T. Duckett and N. Bellotto (2017) “Online Learning for Human Classification in 3D LiDAR-based Tracking“, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 864-871.
- C. Coppola, S. Cosar, D. Faria and N. Bellotto (2017) “Automatic Detection of Human Interactions from RGB-D Data for Social Activity Classification“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp. 871-876.
- T. Duckett, A. Tapus and N. Bellotto (2017) “Special Issue on the Seventh European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR’15)“, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 91, p. 348.
- J. C. Lock, G. Cielniak and N. Bellotto (2017) “Portable Navigations System with Adaptive Multimodal Interface for the Blind“, AAAI Spring Symposium “Designing the User Experience of Machine Learning Systems”.
- N. Bellotto, M. Fernandez-Carmona and S. Cosar (2017) “ENRICHME Integration of Ambient Intelligence and Robotics for AAL“, AAAI Spring Symposium “Wellbeing AI: From Machine Learning to Subjectivity Oriented Computing”. Best Presentation Award
- O. Martinez Mozos, V. Sandulescu, S. Andrews, D. Ellis, N. Bellotto, R. Dobrescu and J. Manuel Ferrandez (2017) “Stress Detection Using Wearable Physiological and Sociometric Sensors“, International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 27, No. 2.
- S. Cosar, C. Coppola and N. Bellotto (2017) “Volume-based Human Re-Identification with RGB-D Cameras“, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), pp. 389-397.
- D. Liciotti, T. Duckett, N. Bellotto, E. Frontoni and P. Zingaretti (2017) “HMM-based Activity Recognition with a Ceiling RGB-D Camera“, International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM).
- C. Coppola, D. Faria, U. Nunes and N. Bellotto (2016) “Social Activity Recognition based on Probabilistic Merging of Skeleton Features with Proximity Priors from RGB-D Data“, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 5055-5061.
- C. Coppola, T. Krajnik, T. Duckett and N. Bellotto (2016) “Learning Temporal Context for Activity Recognition“, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), pp. 107-115.
- G. Broughton, T. Krajnik, M. Fernandez-Carmona, G. Cielniak and N. Bellotto (2016) “RFID-based Object Localisation with a Mobile Robot to Assist the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairments“, International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell), pp. 366-375.
- M. Fernandez-Carmona and N. Bellotto (2016) “On-line Inference Comparison with Markov Logic Network Engines for Activity Recognition in AAL Environments“, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), pp. 136-143.
- C. Salatino, V. Gower, M. Ghrissi, A. Tapus, K. Wieczorowska-Tobis, A. Suwalska, P. Barattini, R. Rosso, G. Munaro, N. Bellotto and H. van den Heuvel (2016) “EnrichMe: a robotic solution for independence and active aging of elderly people with MCI“, International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP).
- C. Coppola, O. M. Mozos and N. Bellotto (2015) “Applying a 3D Qualitative Trajectory Calculus to Human Action Recognition using Depth Cameras“, Workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
- N. Mavridis, N. Bellotto, K. Iliopoulos and N. Van de Weghe (2015) “QTC3D: Extending the Qualitative Trajectory Calculus to Three Dimensions“, Information Sciences, Vol. 322, pp.20-30.
- P. Gallina, N. Bellotto and M. Di Luca (2015) “Progressive Co-Adaptation in Human-Machine Interaction“, 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), pp. 362-368.
- C. Dondrup, N. Bellotto, M. Hanheide, K. Eder and U. Leonards (2015) “A Computational Model of Human-Robot Spatial Interactions Based on a Qualitative Trajectory Calculus“, Robotics, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 63-102.
- C. Dondrup, N. Bellotto, F. Jovan and M. Hanheide (2015) “Real-Time Multisensor People Tracking for Human-Robot Spatial Interaction“, Workshop on Machine Learning for Social Robotics, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
- V. Sandulescu, S. Andrews, D. Ellis, N. Bellotto and O. M. Mozos (2015) “Stress detection using wearable physiological sensors“, 6th International Work-Conference on the Iterplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 526-532.
- F. Arvin, A.E. Turgut, F. Bazyari, K.B. Arikan, N. Bellotto and S. Yue (2014) “Cue-based aggregation with a mobile robot swarm: a novel fuzzy-based method“, Adaptive Behavior, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 189-206.
- F. Arvin, A. Emre Turgut, N. Bellotto and S. Yue (2014) “Comparison of different cue-based swarm aggregation strategies“, International Conference in Swarm Intelligence, pp. 1-8.
- C. Dondrup, N. Bellotto and M. Hanheide (2014) “Social Distance-Augmented Qualitative Trajectory Calculus for Human-Robot Spatial Interaction“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp. 519-524.
- C. Dondrup, N. Bellotto and M. Hanheide (2014) “A Probabilistic Model of Human-Robot Spatial Interaction Using a Qualitative Trajectory Calculus“, AAAI Spring Symposium “Qualitative Representations for Robots”, TR SS-14-06, pp. 18-25.
- K. Iliopoulos, N. Bellotto and N. Mavridis (2014) “From Sequence to Trajectory and Vice Versa: Solving the Inverse QTC Problem and Coping with Real-World Trajectories“, AAAI Spring Symposium “Qualitative Representations for Robots”, TR SS-14-06, pp. 57-64.
- N. Bellotto, M. Hanheide and N. Van de Weghe (2013) “Qualitative Design and Implementation of Human-Robot Spatial Interactions“, Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), pp. 331-340.
- N. Bellotto (2013) “A Multimodal Smartphone Interface for Active Perception by Visually Impaired“, IEEE SMC International Workshop on Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices (HUMASCEND).
- G. Cielniak, N. Bellotto and T. Duckett (2013) “Integrating Mobile Robotics and Vision With Undergraduate Computer Science“, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 48-53.
- M. Hanheide, A. Peters and N. Bellotto (2012) “Analysis of Human-Robot Spatial Behaviour applying a Qualitative Trajectory Calculus“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp. 689-694.
- N. Bellotto, B. Benfold, H. Harland, H.-H. Nagel, N. Pirlo, I. Reid, E. Sommerlade and C. Zhao (2012) “Cognitive Visual Tracking and Camera Control“, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Special issue on Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviours in Image Sequences, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp. 457-471.
- G. Cielniak, N. Bellotto and T. Duckett (2012) “Integrating Vision and Robotics into the Computer Science Curriculum”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop Teaching Robotics Teaching with Robotics (TRTWR).
- Y. Utsumi, E. Sommerlade, N. Bellotto and I. Reid (2012) “Cognitive Active Vision for Human Identification“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1238-1245.
- N. Bellotto (2012) “Robot Control based on Qualitative Representation of Human Trajectories“, AAAI Spring Symposium “Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI”, TR SS-12-02.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2010) “A Bank of Unscented Kalman Filters for Multimodal Human Perception with Mobile Service Robots“, International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 121-136.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2010) “Computationally Efficient Solutions for Tracking People with a Mobile Robot: an Experimental Evaluation of Bayesian Filters“, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 425-438.
- N. Bellotto, E. Sommerlade, B. Benfold, C. Bibby, I. Reid, D. Roth, C. Fernández, L. Van Gool and J. Gonzàlez (2009) “A Distributed Camera System for Multi-Resolution Surveillance“, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC).
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2009) “Simultaneous People Tracking And Recognition With A Service Robot“, VDM Verlag, ISBN 978-3-639-17639-1 (PhD Thesis reprint).
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2009) “Multisensor-Based Human Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service Robots“, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 167-181.
- N. Bellotto (2009) “Multisensor Data Fusion for Simultaneous People Tracking and Recognition with a Service Robot”, PhD Thesis, University of Essex.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2009) “Multimodal Robot Perception for Robust Human Tracking and Recognition”, in T. Matsuda, Ed., Robot Vision: New Research, Nova Science Publishers.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2008) “Multimodal Perception and Recognition of Humans with a Mobile Service Robot“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp. 401-406.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2008) “Multimodal People Tracking and Identification for Service Robots“, International Journal of Information Acquisition, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 209-221.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2008) “Simultaneous People Tracking and Recognition for Interactive Service Robots”, in E. V. Gaines and L. W. Peskov, Eds., New Research on Mobile Robots, Nova Science Publishers.
- N. Bellotto, S. Rowland and H. Hu (2008) “Lux – An Interactive Receptionist Robot for University Open Days“, Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), pp. 1355-1360.
- N. Bellotto, K. Burn, E. Fletcher, and S. Wermter (2008) “Appearance-based localization for mobile robots using digital zoom and visual compass“, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 143-156. [Doi]
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2007) “Multisensor Data Fusion for Joint People Tracking and Identification with a Service Robot“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp. 1494-1499.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2007) “People Tracking with a Mobile Robot: a Comparison of Kalman and Particle Filters“, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Robotics and Applications, pp. 388-393.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2007) “People Tracking and Identification with a Mobile Robot“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), pp. 3565-3570.
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2006) “Vision and Laser Data Fusion for Tracking People with a Mobile Robot“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp. 7-12. Finalist for Best Paper in Robotics
- N. Bellotto and H. Hu (2005) “Multisensor Integration for Human-Robot Interaction“, Intelligent Cybernetic Systems (ICS), ISSN 1746-5907, Vol. 1.
- N. Bellotto (2004) “Image-based localization for mobile robots in dynamic environments“, Master Thesis, University of Padua.
- E. Pagello, E. Menegatti, A. Allegro, E. Avventi, N. Bellotto, T. Guseo, F. Favaro, M. Pasquotti, A. Pretto, E. Ros, A. Scarpa, A. Zanette, and A. D’Angelo (2004) “Enhancing the Artisti Veneti team for Robocup 2003“, Team Description Papers Collection, CD-ROM of RoboCop-2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII, vol. 3020, D. Polani, B. Browning, A. Bonarini, and K. Yoshida, Eds.